Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Adamantium claws

From what people have been saying, the X Men 3 movie is supposed to be pretty damn good. I didn't like the first two very much, but the previews I've seen for this one have gotten my attention. I'll find out for myself tonight. And yes, I WILL be wearing my Wolverine costume.

Holy Shit

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Sonic Youth have announced two special nights at McCarren Park Pool in Brooklyn, NY!

August 11 - Brooklyn, NY @ McCarren Park Pool
(with special guests Blood on the Wall)

August 12 - Brooklyn, NY @ McCarren Park Pool
(with special guests Awesome Color)

A limited number of tickets have been held for Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Sonic Youth fans and will be available through a special presale that is ON SALE NOW! By buying tickets through our presale, you'll be able to get your tickets before anyone else AND save some money on service charges.

Presale here

Just got 2 tix for Friday. Woot.

Takin a break

from the blog for a bit. I'll probably post some links or random shit, but there are certain people who I don't really want to have the ability to read about my life right now. I'll still sometimes pimp the artists that I like. Team Dresch last night were awesome!!!! I felt like I was a troubled teen all over again. That's it for now, have a lot of work to do;) Perhaps the other C will be posting a bit.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Whoa. Those Hippies Are Getting Crafty...

This is my first post in a long time. After 3 days of being holed up in my apt. puking my guts out, attempting to keep saltines and water down, I'm back on the raw. Please wash your hands like a crazy person, the stomach flu is going around and it ain't pretty. Not sure where I acquired mine. Anyway, this is awesome, they've created a Raw My Space!!!! Woot. Now I can find other food freaks to mingle with on the interweb. Exciting. My latest awesome creation: Raw cereal. Chop up raw pecans, bananas and strawberries in a bowl. Whip up some Vanilla Nutmeg Almond Milk ( 1 tbs raw almond butter, 1 cup filtered water, 1 teaspoon vanilla and some nutmeg). Pour the nut milk over the fruit and top with a splash of maple syrup. So good!!!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Nothing but trouble

Yet another bachelor party to attend this weekend, making it the 3rd one in just as many months. Initially, it was going to be in Las Vegas (surprise surprise), but at the last minute got changed to Los Angeles to accomodate the groom-to-be's work scheudule. Since I live in L.A., I wasn't too excited about the location swap but after hearing the plans, I think it'll be a fun time. We have a room at The Mondrian Hotel, which is a place I would never go otherwise. As sceney as the hotel is, I think it'll be refreshing to step outside the bounds of my usual activities if only for one night. The only issue now is to find some "dressy" clothes. I'm assuming jeans, a white tee, and my Chuck's aren't going to cut it.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

A twist on cubicle life

For fans of Office Space and The Super Friends, this is a must see.

Electricity is overrated

The morning was somewhat eventful. On the way up to the office, the elevator shut down and the emergency lights came on, leaving me trapped with my new friend Debbie. It kinda reminded me of the movie Shallow Hal, where Jack Black gets trapped in an elevator with Tony Robbins and has a life changing encounter. Only in my situation, Debbie was much less man-ish and wasn't a giant. And I didn't have any epiphanies.

We called the operator to inform her of the situation but before help could arrive, I managed to push the door open. Luckily we were still on the ground floor and I had eaten my Wheaties for breakfast. By Wheaties, I mean coffee, cigarette, and a banana. Oddly enough, right before I stepped foot into the elevator, I contemplated taking the stairs since I had skipped taking the train and walking to work. I guess I should've trusted my gut instinct.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I Will Not Imbed This Player

It seems so wrong. Brian sent this to me. This is the only shit you get however because I won't be going out much in the next two weeks. Broke as a joke and too over it to try to get into Blender parties and whatnot.

Monday, May 22, 2006

The bad luck continues...

So this weekend I went to innocently grab my car to drive off to my little cuz's sure to be adorable ballet recital. As I arrived at the car with laundry and fresh guacamole ingredients in tow, I noticed that some whoreface scumbag dipshit fuck had STOLEN MY BLINKER LIGHTS as well as the cases surrounding them. I was left with a few wires sticking out and an undrivable vehicle. Having already faced the 150 dollar registration fee, 50% increase in car insurance and impending inspection costs, I'm like fuuuuuuck. This car certainly has become more hassle/$ then I can afford. So anyway, it's getting fixed up right now. I will be $518 in the hole on a car that is probably worth MAYBE $2K. But honestly all I can do is sign the check and look away.

I still managed to get up to my Mom's where we had good food and my cousin and uncle did an acoustic cover of "Billie Jean" as well as many Johnny Cash songs. It was an ok time. In other news, my uncle wrote an article for the American Prospect about Bush and masculinity. "We are in our 6th year of government by gonads." You can read it here. I think it makes a lot of valid points.


You are the world, you are the children.... I love you Jeff He sent this to me. JT$

You're all growns up

After a stressful year of completing law school, studying for the bar exam, taking the bar exam, not passing, working while re-studying for the bar exam, taking it again, and waiting 3 long months for the results, my girlfriend Kathy found out this weekend that she PASSED!

I've already started making plans to quit my job and start shoplifting.


"I plead no contest, uh yayeahhhhhhh!!! Seriously though, when you have a chance, I really want to discuss the criminal penalties for violating my probation. Hugs and kisses."

Summer Stuffs

Today I got to work and it smelled like a gummy bear.
Anyway, here's some upcoming stuff via Todd P and whatnot:


:: an afternoon of folks playing songs lackadaisical-like

:: Aa / BIG A little a
:: Matt and Kim
:: Andy McLeod -> x White Magic, mem Bright Black Morning Light,
Miguel Mendez
:: Dylan Ewing
:: the Cuts ------> from San Francisco
:: Necking
:: Dirty Projectors
:: Stars Like Fleas
:: Tiagaa!
:: Meneguar / Woods Family
:: Zeke Healy
:: lots more folks tba

enter at corner of Main St & Road 3 | Roosevelt Island, NY
F to Roosevelt Island | 1pm-7pm | ALL AGES | FREE
-- MAP -->,+10044
-- LOOK -->

Wednesday June 7th @ MICHELINE'S (tentative)
:: Japanther
:::: Hey Willpower
:::::: Juiceboxxx / Squidbotz

1124 Broadway @ Koscuiszko | Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn
JM to Loscuiszko | 8pm | all ages + BYOB | $5 | 718.453.0400

Thursday June 22nd @ CLUB EXIT
:: Erase Errata
:::: Hot Fire
:::::: Die! Die! Die! -----> Kiwis!

Saturday August 5th @ OUTDOOR VENUE TBA Day After My Bday Woot:
:: Japanther
:::: This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb

Friday, May 19, 2006

I clean up well

I am in desperate need of a haircut but can't decide on a style. Use this chart as a guide and let me know what I should get. You choose it, I get it. No questions asked. Right now #1469 has only a slight lead over #2035.

Last Night:

Part 1: Arrived at the Tower instore for Raconteurs. It was the first time I had to stand in line for anything in a long time. I had the pleasure of standing next to someone who was a marketer's dream. Most of his conversations included things like, "Did you know the Vegan has his own show now on Sirius Satelite?" and "I read on their messageboard that the show was awesome." He was clearly the "in the know" one in his group of friends, but was basically taking pleasure in regurgitating everything he has ever read on a blog. Blahg.

Part 2: The Raconteurs show was not unfettered with technical difficulties. In fact it was fettered up the wazoo with technical difficulties. However, once everything got worked out (and I have to say they were more graceful and polite than any band I've seen about the sound issues) they sounded pretty dern good and played for about 45 mins total. Much more than I expected. Unfortunately they played my favorite song, "Together" during the peak of technical horribleness, which was certainly a bummer. I do love me some Brendan Benson and Jack White though. Highlight: Many fourteen year old girls playing air guitar in the back. Too cute.

Part 3: Exit the show and run into some douche bag I dated for a week before he went abroad on the street who accuses me of using him as bait to get my now ex-boyfriend. Um, what!??? YOU LEFT DUDE. He then asked me for his keys back, I was like, silly me for not having them on me 5 months later. I had emailed him about said keys (which no normal individual would have given a girl he knew for only a week in the first place) but he clearly missed that part of the email and only remembers the "I'm dating another dude" aspect to it and not the practical matter of his keys and favorite t-shirt being returned. After starting some shit with me involving another person and telling me about his surgery in foreign lands and being rude and psychotic about various things, he still asked if he could call me because he was, after all, going to be here for another week b4 returning to foreign lands for the Summer again. Are u kidding me?! Yes douchebag, I would love to bang u for a week after you have shown me how truly psychotic you are before you leave again for several months. Call me, wink;)

Part 4: I arrived at CBGBs for the tattoo art show that Pants put on. Chuck's work was excellent and there were about five other pieces I would have loved to own as well. Overall a pretty cool event, though I felt quite naked with a mere five tattoos none of which are sleeved. There was one dude who Chuck claimed was an AMAZING tattoo artist named Burt Crack, not Burnt Crack. There was also a dude who apparently works at Fun City whose entire body, entirely, is blue. He also has some gold fronts. He was the first thing I saw when I came in and it was quite startling. Highlight: Seeing my beloved Kat for the first time since her return from Spain. She, oddly enough, has discovered eating raw food as well completely independently of me. Isn't that Nuts?! Anyway, I miss her and it's rad to have her back.

This weekend = lay low and avoid all confontation with douche bags. Seriously. I'm so over it.

Awesome New Blog

For vegan recipes. One day a week they post raw recipes. Check out What The Hell Does A Vegan Eat Anyway. Woot.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Last night I had the most amazing meal I think I've ever had in my life. Probably. The place was called Counter and is located on 1st ave. and 6th St. It has odd small dwarfed looking super cushy awesome chairs to sit yo ass in and enjoy all organic vegan food. The meal started out with some kind of crazy lavendar thyme infused vodka cranberry nectar martini beverage and a corn and tomato tower (some amazingly delicious Mexican Raw creation). Our waitress was this totally adorable girl who was Raw herself and was so happy that we ordered all of the raw treats. Our entree was the most amazing component of the spread, entitled Napoleon: sun-dried tomato pesto, herb purée, nut "ricotta" cheese, marinated vegetables, shaved fennel and bitter green salad. It was 3 triangles of delicious red green and white filling surrounded by zuchini and fennel. It was bursing with flavor and so unbelievably good I was sort of awe-struck. I think it even beat Pure Food and Wine which speaks volumes. Karli and I had an awesome time. I always love hanging out with her and talkin about L-I-F-E, life.We ran over to Webster Hall where I said a quick hello to Jay and went to sit on the bleachers and take in some Sound Team. At this point Karli and Dani left. Everytime I'm left alone at Webster Hall at a show, I some how end up going to the bad place. I get really down and feel super off kilter. I think the last time this happened was at the Son Volt show. I'm convinced there are weird evil spirits lurking in that place. Anywhere that has like secret rooms and compartments is probably haunted in my opinion. After an underwhelming, sorry!, set, I immediately took off which was apparently a bad choice for 2 reasons. A) According to Jay, I missed Lindsay fuckin' Lohan! and B) I had to make small talk with someone I was in no mood whatsoever to make small talk with. Overall a decent night, but tonight is going to be THE REAL SHIT. But, afterwards be sure to hit this:
Upstarts Tattoo Art Show CBGB's Tonight!
CBGB's Gallery
Bowery & Bleeker St.

My buddy Chuck has some awesome shit in it.
Chuck drunk in Vietnam

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It's All About Rock and Berries

I thought this article was pretty interesting. I'm about a month and a half late, I suck, but considering I'm on this wackass diet I thought I would post it. Last night after making carrot/avocado soup, raw pizza and these awesome wraps made with collard green leaves wrapped around mango, pea shoots, zucchini, snap peas, mint and almond butter drizzled in sweet basil sauce and getting entirely too drunk on wine (my tolerance is NOTHING right now yikes) Ashley and I headed downtown to see the GLO again. They were pretty good, but it wasn't a crap shit near as good as Sat night and sound at the Delancey is POOP. I ran into Paul and Greg there. Afterwards I hung around at Nacotheque for a bit and then headed to R Bar in BK for hours worth of drunken catching up with Anwar. It was his 30th birthday. It's pretty nuts that at this point we've known each other for like 7 years. Things have changed so much since then, but lately I mostly enjoy hanging out with people I've known for at least 3 years. You can punch each other in the arm and be like remember that sucka! Anyway, tonight I will actually be going to the Sound Team/Elefant show at Webster Hall. Should be good. Catch a tune here:Sound Team - Born To Please

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Official Flyer 4 2Nite

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I Really Wish

I had an excuse to go to this. F Tapes n tapes and Beirut this and Ghostland Observatory that. Who's down with the bears that care. Buy me tickets here.

Starfuckin' food

I don't believe in guilty pleasures, I only believe in pleasures. I love Starbucks. I love that they make delicious coffee. I love that they sell albums of things called "The Little Willies" and "Antigone Rising." I love that they go for that coffee of the sophisticates type vibe and always play Frank Sinatra on a dreary morning. I love that they made the headline "Starbucks Bans Bruce's Buttfuck Ballad" possible. I love what their soy lattes do to my brain. Tomorrow between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Starbucks will be giving out free half sandwiches to anyone who donates some loot to help end hunger. So, whether or not you are in love with the devil, or whether you think that Starbucks is a corporate scumbag hell bent on world domination one delicious cup at a time, this is to your benefit. I bet you can get a pretty delicious half sandwich for a buck donation and if you hate them, that's probably less than it cost them to make the damn thing, so go drain those suckers of some of their evil, lascivious capital. Let's face it, everyone deserves to eat. So go eat some fuckin' food and help some other people eat some fuckin' food too. Do it!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Celebrity airport sighting

While I was at LAX waiting for my flight last weekend, I went into the bookstore to kill some time. I was pretending to read Cat Fancy while really sneaking glances at the nudie magazine rack (c'mon, all guys do it), when my attention was caught by a familiar voice. I stopped, looked around, and YES, spotted Don Cheadle no more than 10 feet away from me. I am by no means a starfucker or one of those people who follows celebrities around, but I have to admit I was intrigued. Ever since seeing him in Rebound: The Legend of Earl 'The Goat' Manigault, I've been a fan of his work.

Against better judgement, I made my way towards him and tried to slip through the space between where his wife was re-packing her bags and a souvenir display case. Unfortunately for me, I forgot I had my too too full backpack on and ended up knocking over approximately 15 plastic cups, thermoses, and shot glasses. As I heard the crashing, I held still, tried to make myself even skinnier and let out a long "aww shiiiittttttt." And it wasn't in the cool way rappers say it. Rather, it was in an awkward, somebody please shoot me in the face kinda way. The lady working in the store came over, asked what happened whereupon I gave her the rundown with phrases such as "I am a retard" and "uh durpy durp durp." Luckily for me, nothing broke.

I thought everything was over until the lady inquired as to who's bags were blocking the aisle. I quickly denied it, leaving only Mrs. Cheadle to assume blame. While being confronted with the luggage roadblock, Don's other half got defensive and shot back with "DON'T LOOK AT ME. HE'S THE ONE WHO TRIED TO WALK AROUND ME. I WAS ONLY HERE FOR 4 SECONDS." I distinctly remember her saying 4 seconds because it made me wonder why she didn't say 5. So close, why not just round up to 5?

At that point, I just wanted outta there and assumed blame to temper the situation. True, I probably shouldn't have attempted to walk by her but she also shouldn't have been laying out clothes for her trip next to the personalized keychains which always attract me like a moth to a flame because they never ever have my fucking name. This time was no different. Either way, Don Cheadle looked at me and said "don't worry about it man" which basically made me feel a helluva lot better and not like such a dumbass. Star power. Gotta love it.

World's Fair Gets Down

Go to this party and listen to this song. Go!
Cassettes Won't Listen - Cutting Balloons

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I Cried.

Oh my god. Thanks Erin. Yack!!

This just in...

Not my words:
Original Weezer bass player Matt Sharp's band, The Rentals, are returning after nearly a decade away from the scene.

Matt has assembled a crack team of Rentals for 2006 and beyond, including the ultra talented RACHEL HADEN, from the seminal 90's band That Dog, and whose voice you hear on the classic Pinkerton-era Weezer song "I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams". And the first US Rentals show in many years is happening in Los Angeles on JULY 7TH and is NOW ON SALE! Heres the details:

The Rentals with special guest Ozma!
Friday July the 7th
Venue: The Music Box @ Fonda (a.k.a. The Henry Fonda Theatre)
6126 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA.
Phone: 323 464 0808

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Whiteghost Observament

White Rose Movement on Friday was a bit of a disappointment. After a delicious meal at the Algonquin Hotel for pre Mommy's Day, I threw off my fancy wears and headed over to meet a very sauced Ashley and Paul for the show. It was pretty weak, a whole lot of synth with not much else to fill out the sound. We stuck around for the rest of the set and then headed over to Orchard Bar for their last Friday night because they've lost their lease. We headed out to Daddy's in BK and then to sleeeep.

Yesterday after walking around for a bunch of hours, checking out the block party briefly, getting Ashley a new do, dealing with phonic disasters and picking up some weird raw dips from Whole Foods, we picked up some various fresh squeezed strawberry and grapefruit juices along w/ some coconut and headed over to Jay's apartment for a series of very strong drinks and some hang time pre show. It was nice to be back at the 186 again. After getting entirely too tipsy we watched Hockey Night play a bunch of songs. They sounded a lot less like Pavement live. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, but they have some good tunes and it was fun. I saw Jeff and his nice new haircut there. He's always good for dancing up a storm at a show. Ghostland Observatory were really awesome. They opened up with their JAM Piano Man and played their #2 jam Sad Sad City super early on which was kind of a bummer. The set was so good/so much fun and I don't think I've ever seen so many people shake their asses at the Mercury Lounge before. They are playing the Delancey on Tuesday and I wasn't going to go, I wanted to check out that new pool party at the QT, but now I will definitely be heading back for round two of long shiny pig tail braids spazzing out across the stage.
Ghostland Observatory - Piano Man
White Rose Movement - Girls in the Back

Friday, May 12, 2006

Back up North

Heading to the Bay Area this weekend for Mother's Day and my nephew Nathan's 1 year bday. Can't wait.

Priestess fucking rule.

Jeff, Dani and I went over to Karli's house. We drank Miller High Life. They ate veggie dogs. I chomped on some greens. We listened to Kelly Clarkson, we headed out. For some reason the sound was awful at Mercury Lounge last night, but it was still evident that these dudes know how to throw a fucking good time metal party. I'd seen them open for Early Man at Bowery a while back, but the current Priestess kick the previous Priestess' asses by about 20 fold. Now say previous priestess' 10 times fast. Go! There was an odd mix of metalheads, hipsters and class A duuuuudes. They were all into it, but for the coarse sound quality. Christen and Rory were there too for a wee bit too.
I wanted to post a song, but Yousendit is youbroken. So sad, will post as soon as it's up again.

Thanks to Jay for blowing up my blog spot. I've repaid him by convincing him to go get his hair did at a pink salon in the burg called Hello Beautiful, but he will be, oh he will be.

Sharp as a knife?

Cut Chemist is releasing his solo debut, "The Audience's Listening" on 7/11. I used to be a Cut Chemist fanatic back in the day when all I listened to was underground hip hop (a.k.a. "backpack rap"). I got my hands on everything he was involved in - Jurassic 5, the Brainfreeze and Product Placement collaborations with DJ Shadow, the Scratch DVD, even the little publicized "Live at the Variety Arts Center 1997" album he put out with DJ Nu-Mark.

With his new release, it's solid Cut Chemist fare but none of the tracks have blown me away. Don't get me wrong, over the course of his career he's revolutionized turntablism, but I expected something a little more after waiting all these years. Nonetheless, I am still enjoying the album. Here are the first two singles for you to check out.

"The Garden"
"Storm" featuring Mr. Lif and Edan

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Get your game on

Tonight at Football Club (a.k.a. the store formerly known as Acme which got shut down for tampering with their gaming systems and selling them at discounted prices).

Yes, the flier is tough to read but all you need to know is that Mixmaster Mike will be there.

No more getting drunk and making out in the DJ booth

I can't make it due to a partay in the JC, however in case you want to. Rob is dj-ing.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Upcoming shows... "Sweet Angel" kitty would approve

Just got tix to see Forward Russia! on Wednesday June 14th at Mercury Lounge
Casei de ser Sexy is playing Warsaw July 20th w/ Diplo.
Okkervil River are playing one of those awesome free outdoor shows
I've been listening to this song a lot lately: Forward Russia! - Thirteen

Rac Attack:

As you may have noticed, Raconteurs are playing Tower (4th and Broadway) 5/18 @ 10 p.m. Come down to Tower 4th & Broadway beginning 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday, 5/16, and get a wristband for this performance when you purchase the new Raconteurs CD, Broken Boy Soldiers. One wristband per person limit. Space for this performance is limited!

You can download the performance/interview etc. on the Raconteurs AOL Interface.
The coolest part is this picture that Brendan drew of Jack. So cute, right?
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She's a brick and I'm...

So the other night I went to see Brick. I knew beforehand that the movie was trying to make film noir out of highschool life which is a pretty cool concept. Jeff, Christen and Darnold accompanied me to some Mexican and Angelika. The movie was pretty slow moving and choosing the kid from Third Rock From the Sun as the lead was probably not their best bet. Midway through the movie the sound cut out in the beginning of a fight scene. At first it seemed like part of the movie, but 7 minutes later when important dialogue to the plot was clearly being uttered without our ears receiving it, we knew we were fucked. Finally some dude came out and apologized, saying that it would start from where it left off, however they could not rewind it for us to hear the parts we had missed. They tried to appease without reimbursement, but we weren't having it, so they gave us these mini red tix to see another flick. Overall, the movie totally was not worth the 11 bucks, so we were lucky to have the sound cut out and get our dough back. It was a great idea but a fairly poor and unfully realized execution. The best part was as we left and were all in our serious like state of morose from seeing a bazillion teenagers get their heads blown off, Darnold says, "so was that whole movie really based on that ONE Ben Folds song?" Hahahahaha. Mind as well have been, there were some startling similarities plot-wise.
BFF - Brick
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bring yo Mama

This Sunday Starting at 1:
Whiteshoes and the Nightmares of Nashville
The Comas
Jeremy Youcum (Oceanographer)
The Roulette Sisters

Grand St. Btwn Havemeyer and Marcy in Billyburg.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Gnarls still in charge

...And I sing, I want, I want Gnarls in charge of me.

Rock the Docs

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So yesterday I went to a day show (day shows are sweeeet) to see Shoplifting (w/ the amazing Hannah from the Gossip) and Meneguar. It was a really rad show. Some other bands played such as Mecca Normal (scary), Ex Models and some Mecca Normal side project dealie. I was too busy running back and forth between the first Metropolitan BBQ (awesome free food and cheap beer, not that I can have either as a rawie) and the show to care to watch all of the bands. Overall it was a really good time, it made me feel like I was in Olympia or something. The bands played with a lot of raw energy and reminded me of a lot of the bands I used to listen to back in high school (in a really good way) like Get Up Kids, Braid and a bunch of Northwestern female bands. Anyway, the Shoplifting track sounds no where near as good/fun as they are live, but meh here ya go along with Meneguarrrrrrrr!!! Surely they have a substantial pirate fanbase. I heard this joke about a bazillion times yesterday, but I'm doomed to repeat it because it's so silly and I like corduroy. Have you heard about the new corduroy pillow cases? They're really making headlines. Rahahahah. Ok, anyway. Back to the music...
Meneguar - House of Cats
Shoplifting - Male Gynecology

Gnarls in Charge:

Gnarls in charge of our days and our nights...
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Editors Presale Link:

Snatch that shit. username: editors password: munich

Raconteurs Live Streams...

You can watch "Hands" and "Yellow Sun" from the Irving Plaza show on Amazon right now. It's pretty sweet, just click here. You can pre-order the record there as well, which comes out next Tuesday.
Raconteurs - Together

The Aftermath

Vegas turned out to be somewhat bittersweet.

I had a great time seeing friends whom I hadn't seen in nearly 4 years and indulging in the typical debauchery that a group of 9 guys will get into while on a bachelor party.

The thing that turned my experience a bit sour was when I passed out at the Hard Rock Cafe. It wasn't in customary fashion where I basically fall asleep nor was it done discreetly - instead of passing out in a corner or in the bathroom, I collapsed in the middle of the casino floor right next to where my friends were playing BlackJack. In a matter of seconds, I got super lightheaded, things turned black and grey, and I blacked out, collapsing onto the floor. I guess a more accurate description of what happened was that I fainted.

When I came to, I had no recollection of what had happened and I had no idea where I was. My friends actually thought I was joking around. Luckily, no damage was done except for some minor bruising on my hip and a pounding headache the next day. As funny as the situation was to everybody, it freaked me out a little bit and made me re-evaluate the lifestyle I've been leading. Perhaps this is the wake-up call I needed to cut back on the drinking and smoking and to hit the gym again. And if I'm feeling extra ambitious, I may join the other "C" on her raw food diet. The bottom line is, something has to change.


Fuck yeah! Went to a party here before and it was so much fun. Totally insane. Apparently they will be happening every Tuesday so count me in. Got a date with a Beer Garden tomorrow, but next week, who's with me? (unless Ghostland Observatory is uncancelled...)
Swim – Steam – Dance!
at Hotel QT (125 W 45th St btw 6th Ave and Broadway) 9p – 1a
No website for more info, but if you wanna check out the digs, go to

Finally. A pool you don’t have to sneak into in New York. And from 9 to 9.30 there’s free vodka. And the hotel provides you with robes and trunks. AND you can kick it in the sauna that overlooks the pool. AND! the pool has an underwater soundsystem through which you can hear the excellently spun records of DJ Language, who’s throwing this little party.

note. And it’s happening every week!!

Also this Wednesday, my friends Triple Creme @ Galapagos...
You are cordially invited to a gender-bending, fire-breathing, tassel-twirling, post-punk rock 'n roll prom!
TEAM QUEEN music video release party!
directed by Leah Meyerhoff
Wednesday May 10th 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Galapagos Art Space
70 N. 6th st.
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Tickets $10

Sunday, May 07, 2006

One might ask...

How many fruits and vegetables can you consume in a day w/o even trying? So fucking many, check out Ashley and my food diary from yesterday alone. The only thing we didn't make ourselves was the Mr. Greengenes and the cashew bar.

Shake coconut water + coconut butter + green apple + mango + pineapple

cashew bar
coconut water

Juice carrot + strawberry + green apple + mango

Totally Fucking Awesome Lunch
Watermelon and tomato gazpacho w/ cucumber, onion, jalapeno pepper, cilantro, ginger, salt, lime juice, red pepper

Guacamole salad w/ spinach, kale, red onion, cilantro, red pepper, garlic, lemon juice
dressing = carrot juice, garlic, lime juice, salt, pepper, agave nectar

Mr. Greengenes (spirulina, banana, pear, apple (actually I really don't remember)

Raw-eos coconut, dates, carob

Blood Juice tomato + red pepper + tabasco + carrot + beet + celery + salt
Total Fruit and Vegetable count = 22!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Viva Las Vegas

Bachelor party, Round 2, FIGHT!

Another weekend, another celebration. Vegas, here I come!

Memorable Memories

The people who developed Jeff's film took it, peed on it, set it on fire, put it out of being set on fire, fed it to a goat, let it get pooped out, shoved it into a hackey sack, kicked it around a bit, then took it out, uploaded it and threw it on a disk. They are IDIOTS. Therefore we are really going to remember the memories in our heads and not throught these pictures. However they are slightly humorous, so thought I would share.
The Darnold
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The Darnold Rides Again
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The Darnold Prepares To Attack
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The Darnold in a Poncho w/ Me Down By The River
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The Gang Feaux Praying
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Bored at Work?

Wish you could be watching television? Voila

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Take it away, PLEASE

While everybody and their mother was joining MySpace, I fought the urge to give into the popular wave of online community stalking and self advertisement. Not so anymore. I have now turned to the dark side and opened up an account so I can look at what people from my high school are doing without them (hopefully) tracking me down.

I still don't have my "I took a picture of myself with my head slightly tilted to the side all the while looking disinterested and aloof" photos posted yet but I have been on a tear, adding friends and looking people up. Sadly, it has consumed most of my workdays, leaving me fairly unproductive and feeling like a piece of shit. I want to stop exploring MySpace but I can't. It's seriously become a disease.

I can only hope my current obsession will eventually die down like my interest in Friendster did. No, you are not seeing the page in error. I intentionally modeled my Friendster persona after Jared Fogel, the Subway guy.

Caravan of dreams...

More like caravan of SCREAMS!! Just kidding. It wasn't sooo bad, but it definitely wasn't good. I had even less of a clue of what I was eating than the night before. I ordered the Live Tapas Platter. What I got was a pate (made of almond and parsley I believe?) that was not delicious, a salad comprised of lettuce and mint leaves (what?!) covered in an odd creamy dressing, literally 4 minute bites of grapefruit, some jicama sticks and 2 slices of tomato covered in a sad gross excuse for pesto. Mmmm. The sangria also tasted like fucking grape Hi-C. However Karli's sweet demeanor and good looks made up for all of the poor ruffage feast, of course. We then went to check out her new Manhattan crib and watch Sex in the City whilst drinking yet more wine. Wooot. BTW, check out a pretty cool video mash-up of Hung Up and Blue Monday here. Also be sure to download the free Raconteurs song on iTunes this week here. Also Feathers and Currituck County are playing Tonic tonight.

Breakin the Raw, Breakin the Raw

CH: hey!
u know what i just realized?
JT$: hiiiii
CH: instead of being the brooklyn vegan
i can be the brooklynrawfoodist
JT$: haha
dude, blog it
CH: hahahaha
take that BV!
and u thought it didn't get any more hardcore than vegan
JT$: he thought he was soooooooo tough
CH: yeah, but then some day'll come
and there will be the brooklynfruititarian
then game over. i lose.
JT$: brooklynanorexic
CH: hahahah
yeah true
though that's less hardcore and more just sad

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Nuts, Seeds and Berries

Last night Ashley and I spent way too much money on an awesome raw meal at Pure Food and Wine. I would attempt to recap the meal, but I really for the most part have not a clue what we ate. It began with a mini "smoked" skewer of various vegetables one of which may have been a parsnip. At some point we were served something in a small almondy cup. There were raw guacamole bean tacos as well as coconut meat/banana samosas, a delicious almond and carrot soup, some saketinis made with various fresh ingredients such as cucumber and ginger and dessert. For dessert we had a "warm" apple rhubarb cobbler along with vanilla "ice cream" as well as the most delicious tiramisu I've ever had (which must have been made from various nut creams.) We were able to sit outside in the back under candlelight and there were super cute waiters to boot. All in all, just what a girl needs after a long day at work. Tonight I will be continuing on my girl date companion raw eating journey extravaganza at Caravan of Dreams which I've heard only good things about. I have to say that I can see how people become addicted to and/or nuts over this lifestyle. So far I feel ocassionally slightly lightheaded, though that should end in a day or so, and otherwise super fucking healthy/energetic and awesome. Ashley described it as "feeling lighter" and that's totally it. I feel way less stressed out or bothered by typical daily nuisances. I feel crazy in a good way. I'll let you know how it goes further down the line....
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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Grandaddy is passing away...

This is so sad. A cute cat and a scribbled sign, "Grandaddy didn't want to be a band anymore..." anyway, Jason Lytle's clothes etc. really are for sale at NYC's Rags-A-Go-Go for charity in lieu of the last Gradaddy release, Fambly Cat out May 9th. Goodnight Grandpa.
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Coachella Recap

Man, what a weekend! After a somewhat late-ish start (I HAD to stop off and get me some Del Taco on the way to Coachella), I arrived at the Polo fields with my girlfriend Kathy and the rest of the group (Jessica, Kathleen, Kelly) just in time to catch Animal Collective. I seemed to be the only one into the set, as was evidenced by somebody in the group saying, "this fucking sucks." Subtle. As much as I like the group, their expermental tangents admittedly didn't hold my attention for very long. The sun and heat also didn't help matters.

Onto the Coachella stage.

We got there in time to catch Common, who's set was a mix between old and new tracks - "The Light," "Go," "Be," "On The Corner." Most entertaining about the performance was Common's breakdancing during the middle of his set. As a person who's perfected the robot, I was very impressed with his moves. He also brought some girl onto the stage, sang to her, and kinda danced with her. By kinda danced, I mean they were half-heartedly rubbing their privates against each other. She was a skank.

Next up, Kanye. I've never been a big Kanye fan and all the hype surrounding him propagated by the media and well...himself, haven't helped matters. But I have to admit that he put on a great performance. He had a string section accompanying him and he blew through his hits - "Jesus Walks," "Testify," "Diamonds From Sierra Leone," "Gold Digger," "Heard'em Say," "All Falls Down," and even "Slow Jamz." During "Gold Digger" he told the crowd, "C'mon everybody, this is the only time it'll be ok for white people to say 'nigga.'" As hard as I tried, I still couldn't say it (even with Mr. West's approval). The most I could muster up was a very softly spoken "ni" which I quickly changed to nisper, a nonsensical term I came up with on the spot. During the set, Kanye also referenced and had DJ A-Trak play some oldies but goodies from his past. These included Al Green's "Let's Stay Together," Michael Jackson's "Rock With You," and A-Ha's "Take On Me." This got most of the crowd singing along, including myself. Note to self: you are a shitty singer.

After K.W., Kathy and I proceeded to the Mojave stage to catch TV on the Radio right as they were closing with "King Eternal." From the crowd's response, it seemed like they put on a great show. Wish I could've seen more of it.

A quick walk to the Outdoor Theatre brought us to Damian Marley. In usual stoner fashion, he was late and kept the crowd waiting an extra 15 minutes. After only a few songs, we left and headed towards other bands. The combination of me not being high and suddenly realizing that I don't like reggae music was the kicker.

Back to the Mojave stage for Ladytron! The theme for the day seemed to be only catching partial sets and this was no different. Luckily, we had some success pushing our way into the crowd and caught "Destroy Everything You Touch" and "Seventeen." The band sounded great and left me wanting more. Too bad I didn't do my research, otherwise I could've caught them tonight at The El Rey Theatre. Damn sold out tickets.

Franz Ferdinand was up next on the main stage. They sounded great but I've never been a fan. I don't know what it is about their music, I just can't seem to get into it. Oh well.....

Back to the Mojave stage again for Cat Power. She looked gorgeous up on stage and had a string quartet (or was it quintet) as well as a pianist backing her. She opened up with "The Greatest," all the while flexing her arms, and then proceeded to play other tracks from her album including "Living Proof," "Lived in Bars," and "Could We." Awesome.

In order to get a good spot for Depeche Mode, we cut out early and headed back to the Coachella stage. The stage was set up with a giant disco ball looking thing that flashed different words (none of which I can think of at the moment, damn alzheimer's) and gigantic panels on the left and right of the stage that projected live footage and a montage of images. The band opened with material from their most current album and classic "World in my Eyes." Overall, the performance was solid but my interest in them wasn't great enough to warrant staying for the entire set. Kathy, who's a MUCH bigger fan, didn't object to us leaving for a bit since she caught them in San Diego back in 2000.

Atmosphere, here we come! As we rolled up to the stage, we could hear the beginning of "Trying to Find a Balance" and immediately got amped. We started half running, jumping over things in the dark, all the while rapping and butchering the song lyrics. Slug was onstage with Brother Ali (the palest and pastiest Muslim you'll ever see) and one of the dudes from Los Nativos. They tore through the more recent hits "Panic Attack" and "CatsVansBags," and dipped into older cuts like "Modern Man's Hustle," "God Loves Ugly," and even a track from the Overcast album. The icing on the cake would've been hearing "Fuck You Lucy," the ultimate eff you song in response to breaking up, but it didn't happen. For all I know, they might've played it before I got there or before I left, but either way, I didn't hear it. Poop.

We raced back in time to catch the very end of Depeche Mode and heard the band close with "Personal Jesus" and "Enjoy the Silence." It made me feel like I was back in 6th grade all over again - God, I am fucking old. As the band exited the stage and people started to disperse, there were rumblings in the crowd and YES, encore. Martin Gore kicked it off with a solo rendition of "Shake This Disease" which was followed by "Stripped," a song I didn't recognize, and "Never Let Me Down Again." As usual, people hung around for a possible second encore but no, the band was done.

In a stupor after such a compressed day of music, we all headed back to the car with She Wants Revenge playing in the background, appropriately signifying our departure back to L.A. I wouldn't have minded catching some of their act, but beating the crowd to the freeway was far more important to me at that point. All in all, it was a great day for shows and I escaped without any sunburnage.

Ah..... the irony

So yesterday I spent a decent chunk of the day discussing small towns vs. big ones (NYC) w/ Greg. I'm getting sick of the city and contemplating a change of scenery down the road and wondering where that might best take place. Anyway, he was telling me a number of things about small cities. One of which being the inevitable complication, craziness and perversion that come with such a small pool of people sleeping with one another. I think I even went as far as to say, "I wouldn't know" to several of these scenarios. Then, hours later, I find myself at a Hoboken bar to see Brinkman and Daly. It's packed full of Jersey City friends (the city from which I moved not more than 2 months ago) and I'm like holy fucking shit cock damn. How could I have forgotten about this all so quickly? I could have sworn I hadn't experienced that small town shit, except maybe for my brief stint in Colorado. Then, just miles (mile? not far at all from nyc limits) I found myself in a bar with my ex-boyfriend, a friend I'd slept with, my best friend's ex-boyfriend. One of my friends who was there I head-counted had slept with at least 4 people in the room, one of which overlapped with mine. This is a bar full of 20 people. Not 50, not 200. I miss a lot of the things associated with a smaller community with bars where literally everyone knows your name. But at the same time, I can't help but feel ew. The thing about big cities is you can attempt to share both worlds because as intertwined and overdramatic as your neighborhood can become, you know there are hundreds of bars in the city where no one has a fucking clue who you are. I know I'm not saying anything new here, just sort of was a realization that smacked me cruelly upside the head last night. It's funny how quickly you can forget things that used to be so much a part of your life... Cub - New York City

Monday, May 01, 2006

Brinkman and Daly Tonight

One of my favorite guitar players, Mr. Broseph Daly is playing with his friend who I can only assume is named Brinkman in a new project. Will be good times...

505 8TH ST @ 10:30

first show...!

songs that might not suck...

apparently there's the one song that's kinda hotel california meets stairway to heaven meets free bird. it's about a vampire in a bird retirement home that may or may not actually be heaven. the vampire of course represents the bush administration.

sure dudes, either way I'll be there.

Human Television

The Human Television record FINALLY comes out tomorrow!! So, I thought I would post my favorite song off of the record for you to enjoy, especially since I don't have any awesome pics of my weekend and I listened to this song a lot on the lonely ride up North. Recap: Fruit Bats were amazing, EJ remembered me again. Bestill my heart. But that's pretty much as far as it ever gets... Sat. I went to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens for the Cherry Blossom Festival w/ Anna, Erin and Toby. It was beautiful and I spent nearly the whole weekend outside. I closed it out w/ some car washing/dog walking and healthy food eating w/ Camille. Overall a fantastic weekend. If you can figure out what in Hell's glory is going on in this picture, then you too will know the hand signs for the word Television. Here's the song:
Human Television - I Laughed
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