Monday, May 15, 2006

Celebrity airport sighting

While I was at LAX waiting for my flight last weekend, I went into the bookstore to kill some time. I was pretending to read Cat Fancy while really sneaking glances at the nudie magazine rack (c'mon, all guys do it), when my attention was caught by a familiar voice. I stopped, looked around, and YES, spotted Don Cheadle no more than 10 feet away from me. I am by no means a starfucker or one of those people who follows celebrities around, but I have to admit I was intrigued. Ever since seeing him in Rebound: The Legend of Earl 'The Goat' Manigault, I've been a fan of his work.

Against better judgement, I made my way towards him and tried to slip through the space between where his wife was re-packing her bags and a souvenir display case. Unfortunately for me, I forgot I had my too too full backpack on and ended up knocking over approximately 15 plastic cups, thermoses, and shot glasses. As I heard the crashing, I held still, tried to make myself even skinnier and let out a long "aww shiiiittttttt." And it wasn't in the cool way rappers say it. Rather, it was in an awkward, somebody please shoot me in the face kinda way. The lady working in the store came over, asked what happened whereupon I gave her the rundown with phrases such as "I am a retard" and "uh durpy durp durp." Luckily for me, nothing broke.

I thought everything was over until the lady inquired as to who's bags were blocking the aisle. I quickly denied it, leaving only Mrs. Cheadle to assume blame. While being confronted with the luggage roadblock, Don's other half got defensive and shot back with "DON'T LOOK AT ME. HE'S THE ONE WHO TRIED TO WALK AROUND ME. I WAS ONLY HERE FOR 4 SECONDS." I distinctly remember her saying 4 seconds because it made me wonder why she didn't say 5. So close, why not just round up to 5?

At that point, I just wanted outta there and assumed blame to temper the situation. True, I probably shouldn't have attempted to walk by her but she also shouldn't have been laying out clothes for her trip next to the personalized keychains which always attract me like a moth to a flame because they never ever have my fucking name. This time was no different. Either way, Don Cheadle looked at me and said "don't worry about it man" which basically made me feel a helluva lot better and not like such a dumbass. Star power. Gotta love it.


Blogger candcblogfactory said...

uh durpy durp durp!!! ah cheadle. mr. cheadle. cheadle mc cheadsley. the cheadlnator. cheadlerama. the cheadinsky. cheadster mc cheadlybop.

7:40 PM  
Blogger Speedrail said...

why do your stories always begin with nudie mags and end with angering the wife of a celebrity?

12:38 PM  
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