Monday, May 08, 2006

Rock the Docs

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So yesterday I went to a day show (day shows are sweeeet) to see Shoplifting (w/ the amazing Hannah from the Gossip) and Meneguar. It was a really rad show. Some other bands played such as Mecca Normal (scary), Ex Models and some Mecca Normal side project dealie. I was too busy running back and forth between the first Metropolitan BBQ (awesome free food and cheap beer, not that I can have either as a rawie) and the show to care to watch all of the bands. Overall it was a really good time, it made me feel like I was in Olympia or something. The bands played with a lot of raw energy and reminded me of a lot of the bands I used to listen to back in high school (in a really good way) like Get Up Kids, Braid and a bunch of Northwestern female bands. Anyway, the Shoplifting track sounds no where near as good/fun as they are live, but meh here ya go along with Meneguarrrrrrrr!!! Surely they have a substantial pirate fanbase. I heard this joke about a bazillion times yesterday, but I'm doomed to repeat it because it's so silly and I like corduroy. Have you heard about the new corduroy pillow cases? They're really making headlines. Rahahahah. Ok, anyway. Back to the music...
Meneguar - House of Cats
Shoplifting - Male Gynecology


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

4:02 AM  

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