Friday, May 12, 2006

Priestess fucking rule.

Jeff, Dani and I went over to Karli's house. We drank Miller High Life. They ate veggie dogs. I chomped on some greens. We listened to Kelly Clarkson, we headed out. For some reason the sound was awful at Mercury Lounge last night, but it was still evident that these dudes know how to throw a fucking good time metal party. I'd seen them open for Early Man at Bowery a while back, but the current Priestess kick the previous Priestess' asses by about 20 fold. Now say previous priestess' 10 times fast. Go! There was an odd mix of metalheads, hipsters and class A duuuuudes. They were all into it, but for the coarse sound quality. Christen and Rory were there too for a wee bit too.
I wanted to post a song, but Yousendit is youbroken. So sad, will post as soon as it's up again.

Thanks to Jay for blowing up my blog spot. I've repaid him by convincing him to go get his hair did at a pink salon in the burg called Hello Beautiful, but he will be, oh he will be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

11:06 AM  

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