You're all growns up
After a stressful year of completing law school, studying for the bar exam, taking the bar exam, not passing, working while re-studying for the bar exam, taking it again, and waiting 3 long months for the results, my girlfriend Kathy found out this weekend that she PASSED!
I've already started making plans to quit my job and start shoplifting.
"I plead no contest, uh yayeahhhhhhh!!! Seriously though, when you have a chance, I really want to discuss the criminal penalties for violating my probation. Hugs and kisses."
I've already started making plans to quit my job and start shoplifting.
"I plead no contest, uh yayeahhhhhhh!!! Seriously though, when you have a chance, I really want to discuss the criminal penalties for violating my probation. Hugs and kisses."
i'm sure if my mom was capable of posting up the bar results on her blog, she would do it. but i guess she'd also have to figure out how to blog, right? i'm thoroughly embarrassed, but it's sweet of you.
love, me
congrats kathy! i'm surprised she managed to pass, what with calvin constantly yelling "HEY! you GOT TO CHECK THIS OUT!" every time an ad for Deal or No Deal came on the TV while she was studying.
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