Monday, May 01, 2006

Human Television

The Human Television record FINALLY comes out tomorrow!! So, I thought I would post my favorite song off of the record for you to enjoy, especially since I don't have any awesome pics of my weekend and I listened to this song a lot on the lonely ride up North. Recap: Fruit Bats were amazing, EJ remembered me again. Bestill my heart. But that's pretty much as far as it ever gets... Sat. I went to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens for the Cherry Blossom Festival w/ Anna, Erin and Toby. It was beautiful and I spent nearly the whole weekend outside. I closed it out w/ some car washing/dog walking and healthy food eating w/ Camille. Overall a fantastic weekend. If you can figure out what in Hell's glory is going on in this picture, then you too will know the hand signs for the word Television. Here's the song:
Human Television - I Laughed
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