Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Something about Lighthouses is really romantic, creepy and sad all at once. One of my favorite books is Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse and one of my favorite instruments is banjo. I am pretty incoherent right now, haven't had anything other than coconut water in five days. Don't ask. Anyway, Tarkio is nothing new. It's Colin Meloy's college band whose recordings were recently put out on a double disc by one of my favorite labels (see where I'm going here?) Kill Rock Stars. So although it ain't new, I haven't seen much chatter on this release and I do enjoy it. So, I thought I would post a track. It's called "Devil's Elbow" but it's about Lighthouses, not elbows. Go figure. It fits my mood and goes well with Coconut water.
Tarkio - Devil's Elbow
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