Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Adult Swim has just released their latest offering, a collaboration with seminal indie hip-hop label Definitive Jux, appropriately named Definitive Swim. The free downloadable album features tracks from El-P, Camu Tao, Rob Sonic, Hangar 18, Mr. Lif, Cannibal Ox, Despot, Cool Calm Pete, Cage, and Aesop Rock. Not too shabby.

The entire album can be found here.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Oh Conor

How you make me miss my city...

Off of the March 6th EP Four Winds...
Bright Eyes - Tourist Trap

Via Ted:

Ghostride the Volvo. I DID go to see Clipse last night. Werrrd.

It's almost Easter?

I didn't even realize. I'm such a jerk. Got this belligerently cute shit in my Williams Sonoma newsletter today. Yeah, it's like that. So anyway, this is it. I mean if you actually want to buy this shit go here though I doubt any of you are going to spend your hard earned blog money on bunny syle Easter wares.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

What's Wrong

With animals today. And foreign commercials for cough drops.

Polar Bear, Stop!

The Michelles:

This song is kind of cute. It's upbeat and poppy and from the UK. I'm not going to lie though, the reason I am posting this song is because the band is on Cheesedream Records. Have you heard of this? Wow.

Download "A Message for You Darling" @ Myspace.

This is the sole staff member of Cheesedream:

It's cold and rainy

In LA today. I'm sleepy and a bit worn out on the inside. Last night was another great night of B-list celebrity sightings at the Grizzly Bear show. That blonde girl from Dawson's Creek who isn't Katie Holmes or that other one who looks vaguely like a duck was there as well as some dude from MAD TV who's hair looked like he was standing in front of a powerful yet invisible fan. Last week at the Number 23 Premiere I saw Jenny McCarthy and Christina Applegate. It's always so much easier to spot the blonde ones for some reason. Anywho, I find it wildly amusing. This morning is a great time for this song by the Finches. Just go to 3Hive. All 3 are good, but Daniel's Song is a silky yet crisp song about looking out for your family, something I'm trying to learn how to do more of. They are from the city up north, San Francisco.

Go Download at 3Hive here.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chk Chk Chk Yo'self

Call it hometown pride or whatever, but whenever I hear of a quality artist/band coming out of my hometown (or general hometown area), I get a little bit excited. Buildings Breeding, Jackie Greene, DJ Shadow, Blackalicious, Quannum, I'm talking about you! Hell, I'll even give some shine to Deftones and Tesla since I did listen to them back in the day.

I've recently grabbed a few tracks off the upcoming !!! release and it's gotten me intrigued to hear the entire album. The band's progressive indie dance sounds have always made for an interesting mix of high energy, disjointed, and catchy beats all rolled into one. I used to wake up for work in my Brooklyn studio, put on some !!! and get my day started (thanks for the tip Alex).

Here's one of the new tracks.

!!! - Yadnus

And here's one of my favorites from 'Louden Up Now.'

!!! - Hello? Is This Thing On?

Friday, February 16, 2007

The End of the World:

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Pela Record

Coming April 24th. I know it's incredibly lame to sit and listen to an E-card, but that's what I've been doing. I've always wanted to like Pela, but there was a lot left to be desired on their last record; they just weren't there yet and hadn't quite hit the mark. From what I've heard of the new record they've taken it to the next level and it's definitely legit. The great elk/moose/whatever the F animal that is being rained on by an anatomical heart is quite nice as well as a visual component. So check it out below. It's pretty impressive.

Pela E-card.

Not your average sale

I need new gear and this looks dope. Brooklyn Projects.

Girl Talk:

Got this in my inbox this morning. It's pretty entertaining.
Girl Talk - 1
Check out the band in concert at Be The RIOTTT (click on

bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="410" height="235" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-

You can see the rest of the set here

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Win a Graham Coxon Suit:

On the Tripwire.

Download: Graham Coxon - Standing On My Own Again.
Dude's got STYLE.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Miles and miles

The 3rd installment of the Nike+Original Run series has just launched and features personal fave Aesop Rock. If you remember, the first two featured The Crystal Method and LCD Soundsystem lending their sounds to the workout routines of joggers everywhere. The new continuous mix taps into a hip hop influenced soundscape and provides fresh beats to create a quintessential city narrative. You can check out a snippet of the composition on his MySpace page.

To purchase the entire album, make your way over to iTunes.

As an added bonus, here is one of his more underrated songs (in my opinion) from The Urban Renewal Program Supplement 1.5 album (also underrated).

Aesop Rock - Train Buffer

The Jane Bradfords:

So.... I posted a song by this random unsigned band from Belfast that I found on Myspace a long time ago. Their song Hide from the Cold is fucking great. I decided to check in on their page again to see if there were any new treats, and indeed there was a nice mellow remix of that song up there for free download, wooha. So, I highly suggest that you check it out here. I'm a tiny bit obsessed with it.

I'm into videos lately...

So sue me. Actually Matt & Kim was the other C, so this is only my second. Jay tuned me into this new British kid Jamie T. This video is totally cute w/ lots of monkeys doing people things.
Download some songs here.

Watch it!

The Icicle Works:

I was just reliving how amazing this song is. Check out the video and picture yourself dancing despite the fact that you are probably sitting lifeless in a cubicle gazing at a computer screen whilst listening to the sound of jackhammers in the distance. We are, we are, we are but your children....

New Ted Leo

Go download a new Ted Leo song at The Tripwire. It's a pretty good tune, really upbeat and just classic Ted. You can easily imagine him straining his face and writhing around the stage in his usual fare. He has a new tour coming up and will be hitting LA on 4.13.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Food fight

I never cared too much for Matt and Kim. I could never get into their sound which reminds me of somebody getting hopped up on coke and performing at a Chuck E. Cheese in their underwear. Tossing rational judgement aside, I also always unfairly lump them together with Mates of State, who I HATE. This is no fault of Matt and Kim's; my initial perception was that they were a couple making music together and now I can't get it out of my head.

The first time I heard "Yea Yeah," the only reaction I could muster up was a 'meh' before I moved onto something else. However, I finally got around to watching the video and although still not a fan, I was left with a more favorable impression. Something about food fights and seeing the bare back of a woman will always do that to me.

If you're feeling ambitious, you can grab some free songs off their official website and watch some other videos as well.

The Tough Alliance:

I tried looking for some mp3s of this Swedish duo online and could only find 2 blogs who didn't have the songs available anymore. So, let me preface this by saying that if you are associated w/ this band and want me to take this down, just say the word. This song, however, is the JAM. My friend Andrew played it for us on Saturday while teaching us the Chicken Noodle Soup Dance at a BBQ. I knew I had to get a hold of it in case I DJ-ed anytime soon. Here it is, enjoy. Also the video, for an alternate song, is pretty fucking dope as well.

The Tough Alliance - Koka-Kola Veins

The Twin Atlas Makes Babies Happy.

This week one of my goals was to make a mix cd for a baby relative of mine. You can probably guess what was on it: a great deal of Sufjan Stevens, Jose Gonzalez, and Iron & Wine type jams. I asked my fellow blogger, the other C for any suggestions and he was able to provide me with a sweet new soft jam to include by a band I hadn't heard of called the Twin Atlas. It turns out that you can download quite a few of their tunes on their MP3 generous website here.

Here's the one that made it on the master baby mix.
The Twin Atlas - Roll On.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The One AM Radio:

I'm a sucker for soft pop w/ a powerful back rhythm. And strings, strings are the best. It's a slow build and I like it. You can stream the entire new album due out 2/20 via Dangerbird Records here.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone:

I'm full of "missing" right now. So check out a new song below from the new Explosions in the Pants, I mean Sky, off of the new record due out February 20th via Temporary Residence.

Welcome Ghosts.

Another LA Musician to Watch:

Looking for the perfect soft Valentine's croon for a loved one? Look to Eleni. Miracle of Five release party tonight.
Eleni Mandell - Make Out King

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mew Live!:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Is out of it's skull. Stark raving drunk Santa Claus on Valentine's Day roaming the streets of Hollywood mad. The bidding for this bomb on ebay is now up to $440 and counting.

Via Ebay:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Maybe he's not such a dildo after all

If I'm not mistaken, this is the K-Fed ad that'll be aired during the SuperBowl.

It almost makes me like the guy. Almost.....