Once upon a time...
In a land across the country, I was interning at Insound, when they were still just a little indie rock haven located in the heart of SOHO. There was this bin of promos that no one wanted. In it was this absolutely repulsive little number called The Beauty Shop. The cover was terrible. I think it had a bearded dude smeared in pink lipstick or something, it was really cheap and terrible looking. So unappetizing that I took it for kicks and stuck in the CD Player. The album was actually REALLY good. They had all these good songs about Colorado that were kind of funny and really cool and I kind of really loved them. I would listen to them w/ my g-friend at the time who loved countryish shit and we even made this bar play it for us when we were in some old rocky place in Colorado on vacation. I hadn't thought about them in years and then I saw a mention of them on Radio Free Silverlake and thought, is it THAT Beauty Shop? It is indeed. I can't fucking wait to go see them at the Silverlake Lounge October 30th. Click here to download Death March off of that very album that I was speaking about.
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