Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Last night:

Like a damn hipster... I ran over to Amoeba records to pick up the Vice Guide To Travel as well as one of those little Buddha machines that Brian Eno uses on his records. I figured they would make some interesting show and tell items to bring to my Dad in the hospital. I think he ended up just thinking that his daughter is out of her mind. The Vice Guide to travel was pretty interesting, though not as in depth as I thought it would be. Still it was pretty mind-blowing to see Suroosh all dressed up and shooting off guns that some 12 year old made in Afghanistan. I used to intern at Vice back in the day, as many people have, and it was crazy to see someone you know doing such crazy, scary, dangerous fucking things. After it was over, my Dad just wrote "those guys were crazy." Pretty much sums it up. As for the Buddha machine, I'm in love. I fell asleep to it last night. I don't feel so safe in my new hood and my roommate is out of town, so it helped quell my nerves. I highly suggest picking one up.


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