The three headed juggernaut that is Apatow, Cera, and Hill has awoken me from my blogging hiatus.
Judd Apatow, from The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up fame, has teamed up with Michael Cera and Jonah Hill for what looks like the next BIG teen/buddy/high school/get laid movie, appropriately titled "Superbad." I'm personally excited because ever since Arrested Development got cancelled, I've been jonesing for a bit of George Michael funny and Jonah Hill is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. His part in The 40 Year Old Virgin was only a minute long but left a lasting impression on me. I even combed EBay in an attempt to find a pair of see through stripper boots like the ones he tried to purchase in the movie. Unfortunately for me, I came up empty-handed. Plus, I can identify with having to beg for sex in high school and the challenges of scoring booze. I kid, I kid....ok, not really.
Seth Rogen and Bill Hader make appearances as two of the the shadiest, most irresponsible cops ever. And there's a friend name McLovin. One word. Nuff said.
The movie comes out on August 17th and to hype it up, the studio has created a website specifically for the release along with a widget. They've got a general trailer (for those under the age of 18) along with a red ban trailer that is no holds barred. To view this, you have enter your name, zip code, and DOB. It sounds like alot of work for you lazy bastards, but it's worth it. Seriously.
Here's the widget. Try not to crap your pants from laughter.
Judd Apatow, from The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up fame, has teamed up with Michael Cera and Jonah Hill for what looks like the next BIG teen/buddy/high school/get laid movie, appropriately titled "Superbad." I'm personally excited because ever since Arrested Development got cancelled, I've been jonesing for a bit of George Michael funny and Jonah Hill is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. His part in The 40 Year Old Virgin was only a minute long but left a lasting impression on me. I even combed EBay in an attempt to find a pair of see through stripper boots like the ones he tried to purchase in the movie. Unfortunately for me, I came up empty-handed. Plus, I can identify with having to beg for sex in high school and the challenges of scoring booze. I kid, I kid....ok, not really.
Seth Rogen and Bill Hader make appearances as two of the the shadiest, most irresponsible cops ever. And there's a friend name McLovin. One word. Nuff said.
The movie comes out on August 17th and to hype it up, the studio has created a website specifically for the release along with a widget. They've got a general trailer (for those under the age of 18) along with a red ban trailer that is no holds barred. To view this, you have enter your name, zip code, and DOB. It sounds like alot of work for you lazy bastards, but it's worth it. Seriously.
Here's the widget. Try not to crap your pants from laughter.